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UNC Honors Program

Explore your world and its complex questions

Are you curious about the world around you? Do you ask complex questions and challenge yourself by seeking solutions where none seem to exist? If yes, then the University Honors Program at University of Northern Colorado may be right for you!  The programs foster curious and motivated students by providing a small community of intellectually-challenging peers with the tools to learn how to think creatively, make connections between disciplines, and how to dive deep into today’s problems, issues and cutting edge research challenges.

Lower Division Students holding props, some wearing masks in front of a photo wall backdrop

First Year Honors

Incoming first year students may apply for the Honors Program and begin their journey in honors with the "First Year Honors Experience". The First Year Experience is designed to provide students in all majors at UNC the opportunity to complete honors courses without impeding their regular studies. Many of the course options count toward Liberal Arts Core or general electives for graduation. Honors curriculum ask students to problem solve by providing in depth examination of challenging concepts and to think creatively about designing solutions.  Students also engage with the entire honors community including faculty and peers through the Honors Connect extra-curricular components.  First Year students may choose to live in the Honors Residential Learning Community (which is optional for Honors students).

Upper Division Students holding certificates

University Honors Program and Capstone Experience

Current UNC students and students transferring to UNC may apply to join the University Honors Program. University  Honors  provides students an opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors and to engage deeply with their studies. Students explore topics of interest, participate in experiential learning, and complete an in-depth honors thesis or creative project in any discipline. Capstone projects may include field or lab research, survey or interview research, or humanities theses in the Research Path; an applied or civically engaged project, business or teaching curriculum project in the Applied Path; or a creative writing, music, theatre, dance or fine arts project in the Creative Path. Students may choose to complete only the capstone portion of the program as a Capstone Experience student.

Quick Facts about Applying to Honors

  • Fall Incoming First Year student honors application
    • Early Action Deadline is December 10.
    • Priority Deadline is March 10.
    • Applications accepted through August 1 for highly qualified students, on a space available basis.
  • Current UNC & Transfer students
    • Spring deadline is December 1.
    • Fall preferred deadline is April 1 with a rolling deadline thereafter through August 1, space available basis.
  • Students applying for First Year Honors Program are NOT required to have a specific GPA nor specific test scores.  Students are accepted based on holistic admissions criteria, with preference given to students who have demonstrated intellectual curiosity and who are motivated to learn deeply and engage with an intellectually motivated community. 
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